Title IX

What is Title IX?

  • Title IX is a federal law that prohibits all forms of sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence at any institution that receives federal financial assistance. 
  • This law pertains to all academic, educational, extracurricular, athletic, and other programs occurring on-campus; or during off-campus, school-related activities.
  • Schools are required to process all complaints of sexual violence, regardless of whether they occurred on- or off-campus, to determine whether the behavior occurred within the framework of an on- or off-campus educational program or activity and thus falls under the scope of Title IX.


ALL – New Title IX Regulations & Policy

Rutgers has adopted a new Title IX Policy and Grievance Procedures in response to new Dept of Education regulations that went into effect on August 14, 2020. This policy replaces to former policies, noted in the policy document, and consolidates the University’s...

ALL – RBHS Campus Climate Assessment Surveys

In February of 2019, RBHS collaborated with the Rutgers School of Social Work to conduct campus climate assessment surveys at its schools. The students at New Jersey Medical School and the School of Public Health were the first surveyed on topics related to...